Anna Lovelyn is a brand strategist, designer, and photographer with an eclectic and wistful essence. She has an innate ability to deeply connect with her clients to fully capture their authentic vision for their business in her designs. With over a decade of experience, Anna's creations evoke a sense of sureness and simplicity that celebrate organic beauty. With a keen eye for detail, she infuses her work with a whimsical and artful charm. Throughout every facet of her work, Anna infuses introspection and leaves an indelible mark on the heart.

Anna Lovelyn

Meet your designer

read letter

Anna Lovelyn


Dear fellow Creative

Dear Fellow Creative, I write to you with a deep admiration for the person that you are. You are artful and powerful; remarkable, and strong. You have a vision within that is felt deeply. Your dreams are palpable to those around you. Bearing witness to your dedication and commitment to your passion is such a gift, and I am here to remind you that your vision is worth chasing. I know that becoming a business owner is not for the faint of heart, it takes so much determination and grit to get to where you are today. Being here, and doing this work is testament that you do not allow fear to hold you back from pursuing your dreams. Remember at the end of each day that your strength is manifested within your ability to overcome obstacles and rise above adversity. As a designer and brand strategist, my hope is to help you build brand confidence, rooted in your unique voice. Most importantly, I believe in you and I am committed to helping you build a brand that shares your light with the world. I can't wait to help you market your business through helping you create a meaningful brand identity and website. Chat soon!

Love, Anna

get to know
Anna Lovelyn

some fun FAQ's

My career began somewhere around ten years ago, manifested from a creative spirit and a relentless drive toward entrepreneurship. My entry into the creative field began as a shaky start in the photography world, some craft fairs, a wellness store-front at 21. It's involved a plethora of learning experiences, risk taking, and lots of personal discovery. These growing pains and triumphs have mirrored the stories of many before me. 

Design is more than artful expression, and yet it is art in itself. It's a celebration of life, in its simplest form. The magnetic allure that draws us to design is born amidst an innate desire to live amongst beauty; to grow closer to the sweetness of our surroundings. Intertwined with beauty, function, and strategy; design emerges.

My design approach draws on organic forms, and simplicity.  I pull inspiration from vintage and editorial design. My process gravitates toward anything that tells a story. Naturally, it is my hope that my designs meld together both creativity and strategy into your most authentic story. 

I am enamored by so many things, the tiny things. The little details, the simple moments. I love the way light trickles between the leaves gusting on tree limbs, My heart overfills when I feel the sun shining on my face in the spring time. It's the organic textures, the feelings of home. The moments of knowing I'm living life to the fullest with the people I love. 

a stand out brand that fully Brings your vision to life!
you ready?

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